Baby Names and Name Generators

Top Boy Names, Girl Names, And Unisex Names For May 2019

Here is our list of the top 50 girl names, boy names and unisex names for May 2019 on
Posted on June 07, 2019   |   Comments 

Just in time for the summer, here is our top baby names for May 2019!

Girl Names

  1. Aaliyah - High exalted
  2. Khari - Queenly: Joyful Song: Born to rule and bring joy.
  3. Aubrey - Rules with elf-wisdom
  4. Ha'ani - Day. Variants include Aani Haane Haani Ha''ane and Haani
  5. Ellie - Beautiful fairy woman
  6. Mia - Mine
  7. Zeya - Success
  8. Abigail - A father's joy; father of exaltation
  9. Ivy - Ivy
  10. Amelia - Industrious; Striving
  11. Ayanda - they augment (the family)
  12. Journey - Journey \jo(ur)-ney\ as a girl's name.

    The baby name Journey sounds like Jorene and Aurene. Other similar baby names are Jorey, Janney, Janey, Jenney, Jerrey, Jolene, Jonee, Jone, Joane, Joanne, Jonay, Jolyne, Joline, Jourdan, Jorry, Jorie, Jorden, June, Laurnea, Lorne, Marney, Norne, Ronney and Tierney.

  13. Emily - Hardworking
  14. Elizabeth - My God is bountiful; God of plenty
  15. Charlotte - Petite; Feminine
  16. Serenity - serene, calm
  17. Melanie - Dark
  18. Sky - Sky \s-ky\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Sky), is a variant of Skye (English). See for meaning of Sky.

    The baby name Sky sounds like Suky, Skie, Soki, Sokey and Sukey. Other similar baby names are Aki, Kay, Cay, Gay, Sal, Sam, San, Sib, Skyla, Sofy, Suzy, Susy and Sue.

  19. Kayla - Keeper of the keys
  20. Natalie - Born at Christmas
  21. Miah - The moon
  22. May - Kinswomen
  23. Destiny - Certain fortune; Fate; The mythological Greek god of fate
  24. Brooklyn - Water; Stream
  25. Amahle - The beautiful ones.
  26. Ashley - Dwells at the ash tree meadow
  27. Ava - "Sky, Heaven"
  28. Raelynn - Raelynn \ra(e)-ly-nn\ as a girl's name is a variant of Rae. See for origin and meaning of Raelynn.

    The baby name Raelynn sounds like Raelynne, Raelyn and Raylynn. Other similar baby names are Kaelynn and Maelynn.
  29. Violet - Violet; purple
  30. Nevaeh - Nevaeh \n(e)-vaeh\ as a girl's name is pronounced neh-VAY-uh, nuh-VAY. It is of American origin. This is "Heaven" spelled backwards. After 911 there was a rush to religion and thoughts of heaven. One way that this was shown was in the names chosen for children, bringing us now to Nevaeh.

    Baby names that sound like Nevaeh are Neva and Neve. Other similar baby names are Nevara, Nevada and Neneh.
  31. Alayziah - Product of an undying love.
  32. Aviana - Grace; Favor
  33. Zanele - we are satisfied;  we've had enough of girls
  34. Nylah - Nylah \n(y)-lah\ as a girl's name is a variant of Nyla (English). See for meaning of Nylah.

    The baby name Nylah sounds like Nela, Nola, Nailah, Nila and Nula. Other similar baby names are Kylah, Lylah and Nyah.
  35. Alaia - Sublime.; sublime
  36. Khushi - Happiness
  37. Milani - gentle caress
  38. Rain - Rain \rain\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Rain), is a variant of Rainbow (English). See for meaning of Rain.

    The baby name Rain sounds like Raina, Rainy and Raine. Other similar baby names are Cain, Nan, Arin, Rina, Carin, Karin, Daina, Dawn, Laine, Erin, Fan, Farin, Fawn, Faun, Faina, Win, Jan, Jann, Jaine, Jaina, Laina, Lin, Marin, Min, Naia, Nann, Paine, Quin, Ray, Rae, Rayna, Raye, Rafa, Reina, Rayne, Raya, Rainey, Rainee, Rainah, Raene, Raisa, Raiza, Raja, Rama, Ramie, Rana, Rani, Ranit, Rania, Raven, Ravyn, Ravina, Razia, Razi, Reid, Ragan, Reine, Rei, Ria, Rhia, Rie, Ryann, Ranna, Robin, Rasine, Rasia, Rui, Ryan, Rynn, Ryen, Riayn, Riann, Rian, San, Taina, Tarin, Van, Zaina and Yann.

  39. Mai'ana - Flower
  40. Ankita - Conquered; A signet; Symbol
  41. Ntokozo - joy/happiness
  42. Ayushi - Person who has a long life
  43. Aria - Gentle music
  44. Annika - Gracious; sweet-faced; He (God) has favored me
  45. Liana - Vine; To bind; Youthful; to twine around
  46. Elora - Laurel crown; The crown of victory
  47. Maisie - Love; Worthy of love; Precious thing
  48. Lainey - Sun ray
  49. Marilyn - Waterfall
  50. Stephanie - Crowned in victory

Boy names are continued on the next page...

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