Baby Names and Name Generators

20 Names Surprisingly Considered Unisex

Posted on September 06, 2016   |   Comments 

Some names don't deserve to be unisex. When you hear a guy named Ashley or a girl named Fred, it just leaves you asking yourself if their parents hated them. Usually, when you are expecting a child, you want to think of the most beautiful name, something that you won't mind calling out loud when it is dinner time or yelling out when your child is running around a store. I don't know about you but I don't want to be the one calling out after my daughter "Fred, it is time to eat!" and you have your elderly male neighbor showing up at your door for dinner.

We have compiled a list of names considered unisex that we personally think they don't deserve to be. We cannot grasp the understanding of what the person was thinking when considering these names to be fit for both boy or girl, but here they are.


Adison sounds more like a girl's name than for a boy.

Alexis we thought was a really nice girl's name but never considered it for a boy!

Alison is very feminine and we would feel bad for any boy given this name.

Ashley is a popular girl's name but not very pleasant for a boy.

Aubrey sounds more girlie to us, what do you think?

Beverly sounds like a nice Grandmother's name but not a Grandpa.

Bert, could Bert really be a girl? Ernie may be upset about this.

Alredo is already a type of pasta sauce but now it is considered fit for a girl?

Ashford sounds more masculine than feminine but maybe not for everyone.

Chelsea is just wrong to give to a boy.

Connie is not very popular for either girl or boy but I hope a guy doesn't have to suffer from this name.

Daryl is definitely not fit for a girl after watching Walking Dead.

Diamond is a girl's best friend but not fit for a boy's name.

Evelyn is definitely a mean name to give to a boy.

Fred again is not a pretty name for a girl.

Hannah is a beautiful name for a little girl, we would feel sorry for any boy given this name. 

Hayley is a popular girl name but not the best name choice for a boy.

Hilary Clinton would not be pleased to know a guy may have the same name as her.  

Jamison is nowhere close to a nice girl's name, come on people.  

Jamina Is an unusual name but sounds more feminine if you as us.


There are hundreds of other names considered unisex that deserve to be on this list but we chose some of the worst ones we could find. if you want to browse more unisex names click here to check them out!


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