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Baby Names Representing 9.11.

Posted on September 11, 2016   |   Comments 

September 11th, 2001 was a tragic day for America, when terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center. SO many years ago but a day to remember the fallen and to keep the families of the lost in our prayers. We wanted to share some names that represent that tragic day 15 years ago, a day never we will never forget.


Gemini means "twin" for the Twin Towers.

Alena means "tower" in the Russian origin.

America which represents our country.

Willow means "Freedom".

Cheston means "soldiers".

Rose for the roses that were left at the memorial.

Justice for families who deserve justice after losing their loved ones.

Liberty represents the Statue Of Liberty.

Honor the ones who were lost on that tragic day.


Although September eleventh has become another day in history, it was tragic and it will never be forgotten. Many lives were lost and a piece of America was lost that day. Here are a few names that we chose to remember that sad day 15 years ago.

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