Baby Names and Name Generators

10 Beautiful Baby Names That Represent January

Here is a list of boy and girl baby names that mean January.
Posted on January 13, 2017   |   Comments 

Here is a list of "January" baby names that are perfect for all babies born in January!


  1. Genara - January
  2. Giaffar - January; enlightened
  3. Jaffar - January; enlightened; stream
  4. Janvier - January; enlightened
  5. Jarek - Born in January
  6. Javier - January; enlightened
  7. Javiero - Born in January; bright
  8. Jenara - January
  9. Xavier - January; enlightened
  10. Xever - January; enlightened


My favorite name is Genara. It is very cute and not so common!

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