Baby Names and Name Generators

Names Like Carson

This is our list of names that are the same length as Carson

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What Does Carson Mean?
"Carson \c(a)-rson, car-son\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Carson), is pronounced KAR-sun. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin. Surname. The form "de Carsan" is possibly derived in the 13th century from a place name. Author Carson McCullers.

Carson has 3 variant forms: Cason, Karson and Kason.

Baby names that sound like Carson are Corazon, Krisina, Crisanna, Chrisanne, Chrisanna, Corazana, Corisande, Corisanda, Crescent, Cressent, Cressant, Crisanta and Chrisanta.
