Baby Names and Name Generators

Should I Keep My Baby's Name Hidden Or Announce It?

Should I Keep It Hidden Or Announce Baby’s Name?
Posted on January 23, 2019   |   Comments 

Every couple is different from the other on so many levels not only in the way they interact with each other but how they deal with things together. Allow me to tell you about three types of couples. The first type is the ones who have their baby names ready even before they hear the confirmatory news from their gynecologist. The second type is the ones who choose the name while they wait for the baby’s arrival. Then comes the third type, the ones where names are not just the parent’s choice but are chosen based on various different factors such as religion, numerology, and astrology because following tradition and culture is important to them. They often name the child by permission of an authority figure in their community or a family head who choses the names for every newborn.


Whatever category you may fall in, there is one thing is common in all of them; they have to reveal the name to their friends and family soon. This is the tricky part! Deciding how soon should this be and when are you actually supposed to reveal the baby’s name?


Let’s find out what this fuss is all about and what happens when you disclose the name by considering different scenarios.

Name Sharing or Name Stealing

Does it really matter if you decide to tell everyone the baby’s name you have decided and then finding out that one of your other expecting friend have chosen it for their baby? Think about it, no matter how unique the name is, it will never be a 100% unique. Somebody out there will most definitely share the name. It’s not like you can stop anyone and get a trademark on the name so that it only belongs to your baby. Then why should it matter when we reveal our baby’s name?

Here’s what the trouble is. There’s the idea of name stealing and then there’s heated conversations that arise if one of your people have some serious issue with the name you have chosen. Yes, the names aren’t your personal asset, but the idea that your trusted circle is name stealing, is something to consider about as this may lead to disputes. If you want to avoid unnecessary squabble with people over name stealing, specifically from the ones you were already aware of, can behave in this manner and it matters to you, than you should wait for the baby’s arrival and avoid disclosure.

You inevitably will get several opinions from people, this often leads to undesirable heated conversations over something this trivial and let’s not forget personal. But it is what it is, and happens all the time. So in order to avoid those conversations, you can keep it hush until the baby arrives.

There’s another side to it too, since it’s already mentioned that each couple differs from the other, some do not worry about any of the above. Instead, they enjoy the fact that they have trended the name in the circle and one or more children will be sharing names with their child and they actually find it amusing. If that’s the case with you too then you should feel free to disclose the name whenever you want.

Opinionated Reactions

People have all kinds of opinions when it comes to other people’s decisions and unfortunately, we all seem to have experienced that. So in order to keep yourself and your partner intact of the opinion barge that you may receive from so many different minds, leaving you nothing but confused and flustered better to keep the news hushed.

But then again if you are one of those who likes to enjoy other people giving their opinions while they go about doing exactly what they want not letting their decision affect one bit. There are those who even take sarcastic or rude reactions gracefully and laugh it off like it was nothing. If you are one of those people who like to live on the lighter side of life, then there doesn’t seem to be much harm in choosing to tell people your baby’s name whenever.

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