Baby Names and Name Generators

11 Ideas For Baby Shower Games

Posted on May 30, 2016   |   Comments 

1. Diaper Game
Get a diaper game kit from your local party store and a bag of different chocolate candies. You melt one candy per diaper and your guests have to smell the diapers and guess which candy is in them. Make sure you number the diapers and keep a cheat sheet of which candy is in each diaper. Whoever gets the most guesses correct, wins!
2. Baby Bottle Game
Each guest gets a baby bottle, all bottles are filled with an equal amount of juice. Whichever guest drinks the juice the quickest, wins!
3. Baby food Game
Provide five or more jars of baby food with labels removed. Mark numbers on each jar and have a cheat sheet as to which food is in each jar. Pass the jars around and provide each guest with pen and paper to write down which food they think is in each jar. Whoever guesses the most correct, wins!
4. Guess Mommy's Belly Measurement
You can use a regular cloth tape measure or there are special ones for this game. Before the guests arrive, measure the pregnant mother's belly and write it in a cheat sheet or memorize it, each guest has to guess the distance around the mothers belly.Whoever has the closest guess, wins!
5. Jelly Bean Game
Count out jelly beans or even m&m's and place them in a jar, guests have to guess the total number of candies. Whoever is closer wins!
6. Don't Say "Baby" game 
As each guest arrives at the shower, they
are given a safety pin or a necklace with a plastic pacifier hanging from it. Each person who is caught saying the word "baby" has to hand over their pin or necklace to the person who caught them saying "baby". Whoever has the most pins by a certain time, wins!
7. Baby Bingo
Each guest gets a Bingo card, Bingo chips, and a pen or pencil. Who ever get Bingo wins!

8. Melt the Ice Cube game 
You need tiny plastic babies, found at the party store, and ice cube trays. You need enough for each guest to have one ice cube with a baby in each cube. Each guest gets a paper towel and an ice cube, whoever melts the ice cube by rubbing it in your hands, and gets the baby out first, wins!
9. Pacifier Pass
You need one straw per guest and 1 pacifier per team of 5 guests. Each guest on each team lines up with a straw in their mouths. The first person on each team has to place the pacifier on their straw and pass on to each teammates straw without touching with your hands. Whichever team passes it quickest, wins!
10. Pin The Pacifier
On The Baby Have a picture of a baby on the wall, a blindfold, and a picture of a pacifier for each guest. Each guest has to take turns, blindfolded, trying to pin the pacifier to the baby's mouth. Whoever is the closest wins!
11. Blind Folded Diapering
Separate guests into teams of 5, each team gets a baby doll with a diaper on, a blindfold and extra diapers. Each teammate has to take turns being blindfolded and removing the current diaper and putting on a new one. Which ver team finishes first, wins!

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