Baby Names and Name Generators

10 Names That Mean Love For Your Boy Or Girl

Posted on February 14, 2018   |   Comments 

Although Valentine's Day originally was celebrated in remembrance of Saint Valentine and him dying for his faith, we now honor it as a day of love.  If you are expecting your baby around Valentine's Day, giving a name that means "love" may be just what you are planning on doing but the problem is, you haven't found any!


If you are expecting a boy, here are a few boy names that are suitable for Valentine's Day:


Amadeo- This is an Italian name that means "loved God". This is perfect if you are religious or even if you are not because it is plainly a handsome name no matter your religious preference. 

Brighton- Stylish and cute, this name is Hebrew and it means "the one who is loved".

Caerwyn- From the Whelsh origin, this name has a great meaning, "love, fair, blessed".

Darence- This beloved boy's name is of the English origin and it means "beloved".

Elmo- Not only will he be your baby boy's favorite character but this name is of the Italian origin and it means "worthy to be loved".


Maybe you aren't sure whether or not you are having a boy or a girl, here are some girl name ideas that mean "love":


Adorlee- This unusual name is of the Latin origin and it means "a gift, beloved, adored".

Blossom- Flowers are one thing every girl wants for Valentine's Day, why not name your little girl this English name that means "lovely, flower-like".

Carabell- I am sure you haven't heard this name very often but it sure is sweet as honey. This name is of the Italian origin and it means "beloved, friend, God's promise".

Danylynn- Just as it looks, this name is pronounced Danny Lynn. The meaning of this name is of the English origin and it means "dearly loved".

Estella- Perfect for those stargazers, this name is of many origins but the Norse in particular means "star-like, loved". 


There are thousands of names that mean love and from many different origins. If these names we have picked for you are not what you are looking for, or maybe you desire a name from a particular origin then check out our Advanced Baby Name Search.  





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