Baby Names and Name Generators

Needing A Baby Name But Not Sure Where To Even Begin

Posted on May 25, 2016   |   Comments 

There are an estimated 211 million pregnancies each year, with that being said, there are a whole lot of babies that have to have names! Millions of pregnancies are unplanned and coming up with names may be overwhelming so here are some ideas of how to come up with a name. 

Think About Meanings

First off, many people do not even think about coming up with a meaning that they would like their babies name to mean or represent. You can easily think of certain words that are special to you and search them to see if any nice names come up. This is a fun way to name your child. For example, if you are religious, you can look up words such as "forgiveness", or "faith" and a decent list of names will come up. (Be sure that if you are searching words or phrases in our search box, that you check "meaning" or it will search that word as an actual name). Here are some names that came up when I searched "faith".

Girls                                      Boys

Amana                                   Amin

Constanza                              Amnon

Amineh                                  Cayleb      

Costanza                                Constantine

Armani                                   Dillion

Emmanuella                            Loyal

Conncetta                               Maimon

 Faithe                                    Sadeeki




Family names

An easier route to go is keeping names in the family and naming your child after a grandparent or other relative. Do not feel obligated to do this but it is common, you can use family names as middle names as well. 


Search names by origin

If there is a certain origin that you want your child's name to be from then you can search names and gender of names by origin. You will get a hefty amount of names this way and you can click on each name to see what each one means. You can get started at this link here to filter names by origin and gender. names by origin


Names by popularity

Some parents are into popularity contests and want their child's name to be of the top popular names. You can now even search popular names by state which is pretty cool. You can search for popular names by state Here


Name Generator

Perhaps naming your baby is overwhelming and you have no idea where to even begin, well we have you covered. Here is our baby name generator to get you pointed in the right direction! Name generator


Sibling Name Generator

Do you already have kids of your own and you want the names to coordinate with each other? Many parents like to name their kids with similar meanings or similar sounds. Check out our sibling name generator.


Twin Name Generator

Do twins run in the family? Having twins is double the work and naming your babies should be the least of your worries. The Twin Name Generator will do the job for you!


Middle Name Generator

Not only do you need to give your child a first name but don't forget about a middle name. In 1911, only about 37% of children were giving a middle name but that has risen to about over 80% today. About 11% of children are given more than one middle name which can get interesting. Need ideas for a middle name? Here is our Middle Name Generator to give you a start. Our middle name generator gives you the option to choose more than one middle name so you can be unique like the other 11%.


The most important thing that we ask you today, have fun naming your baby and we are here to help!

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kousik nag said:
A beautiful name
7/26/2017 5:43:49 AM
Cornelia said:
Can you please help with a name combenatioin the father's name is Karel and the mother's name is Esmy for a boy and a girl
3/6/2017 1:44:54 PM
William said:
Great name choices. love the article
6/16/2016 12:42:08 PM

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