Baby Names and Name Generators

Names Like Sonia

This is our list of names that are similar in popularity to Sonia

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What Does Sonia Mean?
"Sonia \s(o)-nia\ as a girl's name is pronounced SOHN-yah. It is of English origin. Variant of Sophia (Greek) "wisdom". Queen of Norway Sonja; skater/actress Sonja Henie; painter Sonia Delaunay.

Sonia has 10 variant forms: Sohnia, Sohnnja, Sondja, Sondya, Sonja, Sonje, Sonni, Sonnie, Sonnja and Sonya.

For more information, see also the related name Ansonia.

Baby names that sound like Sonia are Zonia, Sana, Sanna, Sina, Sena, Xenia, Zenia, Zinia and Zona.
