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Feliz Cinco De Mayo - 98 Mexican Baby Names

Here Is A List of 98 Beautiful Mexican Baby Boy And Girl Names
Posted on May 05, 2017   |   Comments 

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!! 

Here is a list of 98 beautiful baby boy and girl names of Mexican origin:

  1. Aba - Father
  2. Abejundio - Relating to the bee.
  3. Abel - Breath; Child
  4. Abelino - Son of Adam and Eve
  5. Abraxas - Bright
  6. Abril - to open
  7. Adriana - Rich; Wealthy
  8. Agacia - good, honorable
  9. Aletea - verity, truth
  10. Alfreda - Wise counsel; elf or magical counsel
  11. Alicia - of a noble kind; noble, honorable
  12. Amato - God's love
  13. Anika - sweet-faced
  14. Bartoli - Farmer
  15. Bartolo - Farmer
  16. Beinvenido - Welcome
  17. Bembe - Son of prophecy
  18. Bernardo - Brave as a bear; strong, brave bear
  19. Berto - illustrious
  20. Bienvenida - Welcome
  21. Brisha - Unknown
  22. Calandria - lovely one
  23. Calida - Ardent
  24. Calvino - little bald one
  25. Carlos - Strong; Manly
  26. Carmela - Golden; garden, orchard
  27. Cenobia - life of Zeus
  28. Chavela - Devoted to God
  29. Chica - Little girl
  30. Chiquita - Little girl
  31. Daria - Rich
  32. Delcine - sweet
  33. Delfina - dolphin
  34. Duena - Chaperon
  35. Dukinea - Sweet
  36. Dulce - sweet
  37. Engracia - Graceful
  38. Eskama - Merciful
  39. Esparanza - Hope
  40. Felipe - Loves horses
  41. Ginebra - White as foam
  42. Gitana - Gypsy
  43. Godfredo - Friend of god
  44. Hector - steadfast
  45. Hilario - cheerful, happy
  46. Honor - Honor
  47. Idoia - Reference to the Virgin Mary
  48. Jade - precious stone
  49. Juanito - Gracious gift from God
  50. Julian - Youthful

Continued on next page ...

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