Are you looking for a name that similar to Alun? Great! you are in luck. We have an extensive list of names that
match the baby name Alun in several ways. Try our baby name generator if you need more baby name inspiration.
- Alun starts with A
- Alun is 4 letters long
- Alun is boy name
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Alun \a-lun\ as a boy's name is of Welsh origin. An ancient Welsh name, indirectly related to Alan, of which it is now generally taken to be the Welsh equivalent. It is borne by the character Alun of Dyfed in the "Mabinogi". It is also the name of a river and a regional name in Wales, sometimes called Alyn. Alun became popular after it was used as a bardic name by John Blackwell (19th century).
Baby names that sound like Alun are Alon, Alin, Alen and Aluin. Other similar baby names are Arun and Aluf.