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Names That Rhyme With Empress

What Does Empress Mean?

"Empress \e-mpre-ss, em(p)-ress\ as a girl's name. Title which ranks even higher than the queen, used as a name.

Empress has 3 variant forms: Emperatriz, Imperatrice and Imperatrix.

For more information, see also the related name Imperia.

Baby names that sound like Empress are Ambre, Amber, Ambereen, Amberely and Ambrosia.


What Does Empress Mean?
"Empress \e-mpre-ss, em(p)-ress\ as a girl's name. Title which ranks even higher than the queen, used as a name.

Empress has 3 variant forms: Emperatriz, Imperatrice and Imperatrix.

For more information, see also the related name Imperia.

Baby names that sound like Empress are Ambre, Amber, Ambereen, Amberely and Ambrosia.
