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Names That Rhyme With Ynyr

What Does Ynyr Mean?

"Ynyr \yn-yr\ as a boy's name is of Welsh origin. Possibly derived from Honorius (Latin) "honored", or from a name of uncertain derivation adapted by the native Welsh during the Roman occupation of Britain.

Baby names that sound like Ynyr are Inar, Anwar, Einar, Ejnar and Einer. Other similar baby names are Ygor, Yvor, Tyr, Yaar and Ymir. "

What Does Ynyr Mean?
"Ynyr \yn-yr\ as a boy's name is of Welsh origin. Possibly derived from Honorius (Latin) "honored", or from a name of uncertain derivation adapted by the native Welsh during the Roman occupation of Britain.

Baby names that sound like Ynyr are Inar, Anwar, Einar, Ejnar and Einer. Other similar baby names are Ygor, Yvor, Tyr, Yaar and Ymir. "