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Names That Rhyme With Jolyon

What Does Jolyon Mean?

"Jolyon \j(o)-lyon, jol-yon\ as a boy's name. Variant of Julian (Latin) "young". Literary: Jolyon Forsyte is a character in John Galsworthy's series of novels, "The Forsyte Saga".

For more information, see also the related name Julius.

Baby names that sound like Jolyon are Jalon and Julyan. Other similar baby names are Jaylon, Jalin, Jalen, Gilson, Gillon, Gilon, Jalenn, Jalan, Jailon, Jaelon, Julien and Lyon.


What Does Jolyon Mean?
"Jolyon \j(o)-lyon, jol-yon\ as a boy's name. Variant of Julian (Latin) "young". Literary: Jolyon Forsyte is a character in John Galsworthy's series of novels, "The Forsyte Saga".

For more information, see also the related name Julius.

Baby names that sound like Jolyon are Jalon and Julyan. Other similar baby names are Jaylon, Jalin, Jalen, Gilson, Gillon, Gilon, Jalenn, Jalan, Jailon, Jaelon, Julien and Lyon.
