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Introducing Your New Baby To Your Canine Best Friend

Worried your dog may not like your new baby? Control the outcome of this important first meeting by using these tips to ensure a successful and safe introduction.
Posted on November 17, 2017   |   Comments 

Your dog is an integral member of your family. Chances are your pup was your initiation into parenthood. After having a new baby, it can become extremely easy to focus more on your newborn than your dog. Don’t let that happen.

The bond between a baby and a dog is a unique and powerful one. Your child can learn a lot of valuable life lessons such as teamwork, friendship, and courage from your pooch. The first step to this incredible journey is the introduction. Here are a few ways in which you can introduce your doggy to your new baby:


Introduce the baby’s routine first with your dog

Your dog may get cranky or jealous if there are sudden changes to your lives due to the baby. By incorporating the new baby-schedule with your dog in advance, you can ensure that your dog doesn’t resent your baby for these difficult changes.


Play audio recordings of baby sounds

Introduce your pooch to sounds your new baby will definitely make. This way, your dog will anticipate these sounds and won’t be alarmed when your baby does arrive on the scene.


Increase proximity over a few days’ time

Don’t force your baby on your dog from day one. Your dog isn’t used to seeing babies at such close quarters and there may be a chance he’ll react aggressively. For the first few days, let your dog see your baby from a distance. Next, you can slowly close the gap and allow your dog to sniff the baby.


Get your pooch acquainted with baby smells

Dogs have a terrific sense of smell. To prevent your dog from being alarmed by the sudden onslaught of baby-smells and fragrances, start introducing baby powder, lotion and milk in the environment days prior to the birth.


Avoid scolding your pup for playing with your baby’s toys

The worst thing you can do is create a negative association with anything related to your new baby. If your dog does play with your baby’s belongings, gently but firmly take them away from him. Don’t use negative reinforcement as this may sour your dog’s relationship with your baby.


Allow your dog to play with the baby, but use caution

Dogs are playful creatures and it’s only natural for them to want to play with your baby. This is alright, provided you are careful. Dogs can quickly turn hostile if your baby pulls its ears or tail. Make sure you are always present when your baby and dog are playing together. You can use leashes and baby gates to keep them both out of harm’s way.

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