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Names Like Ashanti

This is our list of names that have a similar sound to Ashanti

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What Does Ashanti Mean?
"Ashanti \a-shan-ti, ash(a)-nti\ as a girl's name is of Ghanaian origin. From the name of a powerful African empire (17th to early 20th century). Today, names associated with the empire bring to mind power and victory. The name is used as a surname by the Akan people of Ghana, and also in modern American black families as a link to the African past.

Ashanti has 15 variant forms: Asante, Ashanta, Ashantae, Ashantay, Ashante, Ashantee, Ashaunta, Ashaunte, Ashauntee, Ashaunti, Ashuntae, Shantee, Shanti, Shauntae and Shauntee.

For more information, see also the related name Shaneika.
