Baby Names and Name Generators

Names Like Sheryl

This is our list of names that are similar in popularity to Sheryl

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What Does Sheryl Mean?
"Sheryl \sh(er)-yl\ as a girl's name is pronounced SHARE-el. It is of English origin. Variant of Cheryl, from Charlotte (Old German) "free man". The Sheryl spelling ensures the soft sh- pronunciation. Some of the names listed here also could be considered as variant forms of Shirley. See also Sha-. Actress Sherilyn Fenn; singer Sheryl Crow; basketball player Sheryl Swoopes.

Sheryl has 24 variant forms: Cheralin, Cheralyn, Cheralynne, Cherilynn, Cherilynn, Sharell, Sharelle, Sharrell, Sheralyn, Sheralin, Sherell, Sherelle, Sherileen, Sherill, Sherilyn, Sherilynne, Sherlene, Sherrell, Sherrelle, Sherril, Sherrill, Sherryl, Sherylayne and Sheryll.

For more information, see also the related name Shera.

Baby names that sound like Sheryl are Sharyl, Sheryle and Sheril.
