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Names Like Cybele

Are you looking for a name that similar to Cybele? Great! you are in luck. We have an extensive list of names that match the baby name Cybele in several ways. Try our baby name generator if you need more baby name inspiration.

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More information about Cybele
  • Cybele starts with C
  • Cybele is 6 letters long
  • Cybele is girl name

What are nicknames for Cybele?

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What does Cybele Mean?

  Cybele \cy-be-le\ as a girl's name is pronounced si-BELL. It is of Greek origin. Mythology: an ancient nature goddess worshipped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods, men, and wild nature, lions were her faithful companions. She was identified with Rhea by the Greeks, and with Maia and Ceres by the Romans.

For more information, see also related names Sibyl and Sybil.

Baby names that sound like Cybele are Cybil, Cybill, Sybelle and Sybel. Other similar baby names are Cele, Abelle, Mabel, Cile, Cicely, Cicelie, Celie, Cela, Cecyle, Cecile, Cecely, Ceceli, Ceceley, Cyrille, Sabelle, Isbel, Isabele, Chabeli, Jobelle, Mayble, Maybelle, Maybell, Maybel, Mable, Mabelle, Robelle, Sable, Sydelle, Sydell, Sydel, Semele, Sybille, Sybill, Sybella, Sibelle, Sibell, Sibel, Cybilla, Ysbel, Yabelle, Yabell and Zele.

What Does Cybele Mean?
"Cybele \cy-be-le\ as a girl's name is pronounced si-BELL. It is of Greek origin. Mythology: an ancient nature goddess worshipped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods, men, and wild nature, lions were her faithful companions. She was identified with Rhea by the Greeks, and with Maia and Ceres by the Romans.

For more information, see also related names Sibyl and Sybil.

Baby names that sound like Cybele are Cybil, Cybill, Sybelle and Sybel. Other similar baby names are Cele, Abelle, Mabel, Cile, Cicely, Cicelie, Celie, Cela, Cecyle, Cecile, Cecely, Ceceli, Ceceley, Cyrille, Sabelle, Isbel, Isabele, Chabeli, Jobelle, Mayble, Maybelle, Maybell, Maybel, Mable, Mabelle, Robelle, Sable, Sydelle, Sydell, Sydel, Semele, Sybille, Sybill, Sybella, Sibelle, Sibell, Sibel, Cybilla, Ysbel, Yabelle, Yabell and Zele.
