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Names That Rhyme With Janessa

What Does Janessa Mean?

"Janessa \j(a)-nessa, jan(es)-sa\ as a girl's name is pronounced ja-NESS-ah. It is of American origin. Blend of Jan or Jane and Vanessa. See also Ja-.

Janessa has 3 variant forms: Janesse, Janissa and Jannessa.

For more information, see also related names Janice and Jenessa.

Baby names that sound like Janessa are Janeesa, Janessia, Janess, Jinessa and Jonessa.


What Does Janessa Mean?
"Janessa \j(a)-nessa, jan(es)-sa\ as a girl's name is pronounced ja-NESS-ah. It is of American origin. Blend of Jan or Jane and Vanessa. See also Ja-.

Janessa has 3 variant forms: Janesse, Janissa and Jannessa.

For more information, see also related names Janice and Jenessa.

Baby names that sound like Janessa are Janeesa, Janessia, Janess, Jinessa and Jonessa.
