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Names That Rhyme With Detta

What Does Detta Mean?

"Detta \d(et)-ta\ as a girl's name. Short form of Benedetta (Latin) "blessed".

Baby names that sound like Detta are Datya, Dita, Dotty, Tetty and Teeta. Other similar baby names are Netta, Betta, Cetta, Delta, Hetta, Yetta, Jetta, Letta, Retta and Zetta. "

What Does Detta Mean?
"Detta \d(et)-ta\ as a girl's name. Short form of Benedetta (Latin) "blessed".

Baby names that sound like Detta are Datya, Dita, Dotty, Tetty and Teeta. Other similar baby names are Netta, Betta, Cetta, Delta, Hetta, Yetta, Jetta, Letta, Retta and Zetta. "