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Names That Rhyme With Methuselah

Rhymes with Methuselah

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What Does Methuselah Mean?

"Methuselah \m(e)-thuse-lah, meth(u)-selah\ as a boy's name is of Hebrew origin. Possibly "one who was sent". Biblical: Methuselah lived to be 969 years old.

Methuselah has 1 variant form: Mathusela.


What Does Methuselah Mean?
"Methuselah \m(e)-thuse-lah, meth(u)-selah\ as a boy's name is of Hebrew origin. Possibly "one who was sent". Biblical: Methuselah lived to be 969 years old.

Methuselah has 1 variant form: Mathusela.
