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Names That Rhyme With Kornel

Rhymes with Kornel


What Does Kornel Mean?

"Kornel \k(o)-rnel, kor-nel\ as a boy's name. Variant of Cornelius (Latin) "like a horn". From a Latin clan name, and often used during the Roman Empire. Painter Kees Van Dongen.

Kornel has 4 variant forms: Kees, Kornelisz, Kornelius and Kornell.

Baby names that sound like Kornel are Cornel, Kornelis and Cornell. "

What Does Kornel Mean?
"Kornel \k(o)-rnel, kor-nel\ as a boy's name. Variant of Cornelius (Latin) "like a horn". From a Latin clan name, and often used during the Roman Empire. Painter Kees Van Dongen.

Kornel has 4 variant forms: Kees, Kornelisz, Kornelius and Kornell.

Baby names that sound like Kornel are Cornel, Kornelis and Cornell. "