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Names That Rhyme With Croy

What Does Croy Mean?

"Croy \c-roy\ as a boy's name is a variant of Croydon (English). See for meaning of Croy.

The baby name Croy sounds like Crew, Cary, Carey, Cory, Corey, Curry, Corry, Cree, Gray and Grey. Other similar baby names are Cloy, Coy and Troy."

What Does Croy Mean?
"Croy \c-roy\ as a boy's name is a variant of Croydon (English). See for meaning of Croy.

The baby name Croy sounds like Crew, Cary, Carey, Cory, Corey, Curry, Corry, Cree, Gray and Grey. Other similar baby names are Cloy, Coy and Troy."