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Names That Rhyme With Caduceus

Rhymes with Caduceus

What Does Caduceus Mean?

"Caduceus \c(a)-du-ceus\ as a boy's name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: the caduceus was the insignia of Hermes (called Mercury by the Romans), a winged staff with two serpents twining up it. Because Hermes was the patron of doctors, it has become the symbol for medicine.

Similar baby names are Cadmus and Catullus. "

What Does Caduceus Mean?
"Caduceus \c(a)-du-ceus\ as a boy's name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: the caduceus was the insignia of Hermes (called Mercury by the Romans), a winged staff with two serpents twining up it. Because Hermes was the patron of doctors, it has become the symbol for medicine.

Similar baby names are Cadmus and Catullus. "