Baby Names and Name Generators

Latest Baby Name Polls

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Help us name our new baby (last name Gerd)

   Erma Gerd
   Olga Gerd

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Changing my last name as you will see why in the next sentence. My present name is Phatter, pronounced Fatter. I'm so tired of the funny looks after I saw my name or the silence on the other end of a telephone line. So going to pay for a new name. I'm 25

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Please help a lady out and vote. I need a name for my twin kittens. Born 7 weeks ago. I'm picking them up from breeder next week. One is girl the other boy. Thanks

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I adopted a new rescue boxer mix, she's only five months old so I wanna change her name. Her present owners named her Tootsie Roll. And not loving that, thanks Jean Diane

   Livi Lover
   Diane Ann

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Baby boy coming this fall. HELP PLEASE AND THANK YOUS. Last name Tate

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So I've hated my name since kindergarten. It's Karen Diane, I'm fifty years old, fifty. And I have decided to give myself the name I so deserve, here's my choices. Thanks~Karen

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Hello. Im monica and Its my first time to have a baby and we are having a baby girl. Im thinking about a name but i have chosen two names. What is the best name to be added for savannah


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Which boys name goes best with sister Pearl?


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Which do you like better? The middle name would be Estrella (pronounced: es-tray-ah).


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I currently have Benjamin (16), Lauren (13), and Conner (2). I am going to have a baby girl. Please help me choose!


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Which is best for a baby girl? Andie can also be a nickname for Andrea too


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Which name do you prefer?


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Which do you like?

   Lydia Rose

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Sonogram suggested male. Please vote

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