More information about the name Shanelle
Shanelle means
"Shanelle \sh(a)-nelle, shan(el)-le\ as a girl's name is pronounced sha-NEL. It is of American origin. Modern phonetic spelling of Chanel, the name of the famous French couturier, using the feminine and attractive Sha- prefix.
Shanelle has 15 variant forms: Shanel, Shanell, Shanella, Shanelly, Shaney, Shanilly, Shanisse, Shanita, Shannel, Shannell, Shenell, Shenelle, Shinella, Shonelle and Shynelle.
Baby names that sound like Shanelle are Shannelle, Chanelle and Shaunelle.
Shanelle is ranked
#0 in the United States.
There were
53 babies born and named
Shanelle in