What's wrong, Porshia?
It is bath time, Porshia!
How was your first day of school Porshia?
Have a great night Porshia !
Go get your sister, Porshia.
Hello Princess Porshia!
Porshia is so smart!
Hey Porshia , are you sleeping??
Where do you want to go for our summer vacation, Porshia?
That was a great trick, Porshia!
That was a really funny joke, Porshia !
Oh wow Porshia! You did a REALLY good job!
Porshia, don't forget to brush your teeth.
What do you want for dinner, Porshia ?
Porshia, did you do your homework?
Is everything Ok, Porshia ?
Those are very nice shoes, Porshia
Porshia! Becareful!
Goodmorning Porshia , it is time to wake up.
How are you, Porshia?
Good job Porshia!
Look at me when I am talking to you Porshia!
Porshia , how was school?
What do you want for breakfast, Porshia?
Don't forget to walk your dog, Porshia.